well, i was finally able to get into a clinic last night. i've tried to go before but i haven't been able to get in before their quota was reached.
now, every few years or so i get a wicked cough that doesn't go away. i go to the clinic, i get a codeine cough syrup and bam, my cough is gone. end of story.
however, this trip was a little different. first off, i get this totally old school intimidating doctor. first thing he says to me is.. your breathing doesn't sound very good. umm, i had no idea my breathing was off. i wasn't really having any trouble with it. apart from the coughing. he has me blow into this tube and then says, that's not very good. he rapid fires a ton of questions at me, i don't feel he really makes sure i understand any of them, calls me an allergic person and keeps asking me questions about changes in my life that might cause allergies. are you sure there is nothing new? umm, yah, i am pretty sure i do not have a new pet or a new plant. i might not be that brilliant but i think i would remember if i brought home a new dog or fern.
i feel slightly better when he tells me i scored a 4.5 on the tube and i should be at 5. he says i didn't do that bad. thanks for freaking me out! considering i can't take that deep of a breath without going into a coughing spasm, i feel better. he hands me a prescription and sends me on my way. i can tell it's not codeine but apart from that, i know nothing. until my pharmacist calls me over and says, have you ever used this type of inhaler before? i'm like what? i've never used an inhaler before at all! she was all like really? i find the instructions complicated, and my dosage is so confusing, i have to write it on the calender.
question - why does it seem like every drug's possible side effects include what you are actually taking the drug for? apparently the drug i am on can cause coughing. how am i supposed to know the difference between the cough i have and a cough caused by the drug?
on the upside, i am coughing a little less today. of course, i am still think codeine would have done the trick as well. and at half the price.