Wednesday, April 18, 2007

and from this moment on, i'll be crying, crying, crying, crying ...

today sucked. big time.

for those of you who don't know, i've been short listed for the job i really want. i had to go and write a bunch of tests today. and they were so hard! really hard and complicated math questions that i had to answer without a calculator. i sucked! i choked! i wanted to throw up. (but didn't)

i am now going to crawl into my bed with my dog and a bottle of wine.


Whitenoise said...

They bell-curve those tests. Everybody else probably choked, too. You only have to choke less than the other chokers...

Dale said...

So, how'd it work out with you, the dog and the wine? Sounds hot.

Hopefully, you'll have good news soon.

Allison said...

Math should not be allowed without a calculator. I'm sure its not as bad as it seems. Hopefully you will hear good news soon. Fingers crossed.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Sorry to hear your tough news. I hope that you are pleasantly surprised after all.

Why do they feel they have to give math tests for job applications? Were you applying to headup a space launch or something?

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

whitenoise - well, i hope so.

dale - well, i suppose porn is an option... ;)

allison - i know. who does math without a calculator these days?

barbara- haha. yes. hee hee.

here is an example of the questions i had to do. with no calculator.

9/16 x 8/27 x 32 =

Dale said...

They would have just sunk my battleship. Yikes.

Deb said...

math without a calculator is abuse. That being said, I also think the secret is to suck the least on those things. So, no worries. And, it's just a job...don't sweat it. If this one doesn't work out, it may be fate and for good reason.

No worries. The wine/dog combo's a win win.

Chick said...

Sorry you didn't get it...the math would have made me cry first.

Sounds like the pup & wine combo should make you feel a little bit better & fuck that job...if they don't want you...their lose...know what I'm saying?!

Evelyne said...

What's wrong with those people? Right, how does math without a calculator except weird/crazy math teachers? i remember on the test that I did few weeks ago they asked us a similar question to the one you wrote and the choices were something like : 16.4; 16.5; 17; 17.2.... what's wrong with those people?

mellowlee said...

OH noooo :O( Sorry that happened to you. I know zactly how that feels, so horrible!!! Want I should go break some kneecaps for you? GRRR. That's just mean. I hope you are feelin better today. The only thing I have to offer is chocolate and hugs!

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

dale - i felt like walking out. :(

deb - thanks. let's hope everybody else sucked too. :)

chick- thanks! usually i try to keep that attitude. but sometimes...

evelyne - i'm with you. i understand being tested on the basics of math without a calculator, but complicated math.. i just don't see the point. and all the other parts of the test were multiple choice. except the math.

mel - aah. thanks. i let you know when it's knee breakin' time. i could use some chocolate. maybe i'll make me some cookies later tonight.